
Welcome to TCKonnective! I began writing this blog in 2020 as a reflection of my personal experience as a Third Culture Kid and now as a father of three TCKs and TCK caregiver. My desire is to connect TCKs and their parents to essential resources and caring communities to help them thrive in their multicultural context.

My name is Chris Moyer, and I grew up in the United States, France and Germany. After spending nineteen years in the States, I returned to France in 2018 to use my experience of growing up in foreign countries along with my counseling training to help expats and their families thrive in the lives overseas. I’ve counseled, coached, led webinars, spoken at conferences and written on many topics related to international living.

I love running, biking, following my favorite sports teams as a faithful “phan” (all teams from Philadelphia and France soccer), and travelling the world.

Thanks for taking time to read TCKonnective!